Request for Information
WisconsinHealth+ is forwarding a Request for Information (RFI) for organizations interested in developing a partnership to advance value-based care. Potential partner organizations may be non-profit entities-such as primary care associations, health center controlled networks, or clinically integrated networks-or other management services organizations, primary care enablers, or third-party administrators operating Medicare Advantage or Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) value based care (VBC) programs. Initial statements of interest should be made no later than October 13, 2023.
WisconsinHealth+ is requesting information from Health Center owned clinically integrated networks, management services organizations, primary care enablers, third-party administrators, and any other organization that offers services and support to networks of primary care providers wishing to enter into VBC programs. WisconsinHealth+ is seeking information from potential partner organization(s) that provide comprehensive, flexible program options and demonstrate a willingness to develop collaborative relationships with WisconsinHealth+ and participating Health Centers for two potential scopes of work described below. Partners are also welcome to submit a combined response for both scopes:
Scope 1: Medicare Advantage (MA) VBC partnerships
WisconsinHealth+ currently has VBC contracts in place with some Wisconsin based MA plans. WisconsinHealth+ is seeking information from potential partners with demonstrated success in MA VBC programs that may provide efficiencies in VBC contracting with additional plans and other programming that will contribute to network provider success in MA VBC programs.
Scope 2: Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP)
WisconsinHealth+ is seeking information from potential partners interested in or that have experience in pooling or aggregating primary care providers within a single accountable care organization to collaborate in MSSP VBC programs. WisconsinHealth+ is interested in entering into the MSSP for the 2025 application cycle and submit an application for the Advance Investment Payment program, should funding become available.